Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein (IB.SH)
IB.SH is the promotional bank of the Land (state) Schleswig-Holstein. We support the ideas and projects of individuals, companies and municipalities with our financial instruments and know-how.
Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein (IB.SH), the promotional bank of the Land (state) Schleswig-Holstein, plays a key role in providing financial support to foster regional development and growth in Schleswig-Holstein. IB.SH offers advice on funding and financing. It provides tailor-made solutions for corporate, real estate and public infrastructure financing as well as for city development, environmental and energy projects. Furthermore, grants are provided to support labour market development and training measures. Financial assistance is given to public and private investment projects in Schleswig-Holstein.
Economy & Technology
IB.SH is your partner for all kinds of business development.
The "Förderlotsen" (promotion pilots) offer consulting. They help existing companies and potential entrepreneurs to find financial packages suited to their individual needs. Start-ups can also receive coaching on how to deal with bank interviews.
IB.SH is also your address for financing starts-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Our experts develop the best pattern of finance to fulfill your requirements. In cooperation with your bank, we provide sound financing in which we integrate loans and funding offered by the Land (state) Schleswig-Holstein, by the Federal Government and the EU.
If your company needs more equity, our own subordinated loans and venture-capital investments will be a good solution. We can offer you a new partnership in the form of mezzanine capital where we are sleeping partners.
IB.SH supports the economy in Schleswig-Holstein by being the institution for passing on payments from KfW Bankengruppe and Landwirtschaftlichen Rentenbank to the savings banks. In addition, we provide low-interest refinancing to all banks and savings banks thus ensuring the supply of loans to companies and we have created equity funds for SME in Schleswig-Holstein.
Real Estate
We are your partner if you require a loan for building, buying or modernising your home – a house or a flat – or housing for rent. We offer consulting and are able to develop financing concepts that take your individual requirements into consideration because of our extensive know-how and experience. We work in close cooperation with your savings bank, building society or insurance company.
We offer low-interest loans from the Land (state) Schleswig-Holstein and from KfW Bankengruppe as well as our own special loans. The Land Schleswig-Holstein provides loans at reduced rates of interest for building and buying if you fulfill certain conditions e.g. income, living-space and overall costs. KfW has special programmes with subsidised interest rates for 10 years, especially for improving the energy efficiency of your home. IB.SH has additional loans with a fixed interest rate for the duration of 24 years that can be repaid totally or partially whenever you like. IB.SH-Finanz@ss, our interactive IT programme, is at your disposal so that you can find out which financing suits you the best.
We offer our assistance to investors in housing for rent. With our innovative and special capital budgeting IB.SH Immobilien Check, we provide consulting and analyse your needs with a sharp focus on energy saving measures. Investors can receive a print-out which contains a calculation of the yield and the cash-flow.
Finally, we offer funding and financing for urban development and renewal.
Municipalities & Infrastructure
We offer financing and consulting to our public sector customers and the companies operated by the public sector.
The broad spectrum of financing instruments – loans and a variety of funding programmes - enable the public sector to realise important social infrastructure projects in the transportation sector as well as in the construction and renovation of public buildings, e.g. schools and hospitals. The funding programmes are financed by the Land (state) Schleswig-Holstein, the Federal Government and the EU.
IB.SH has been a network partner of the European Investment Advisory Hub (EIAH) since May 2020. In May 2021, IB.SH became an implementing partner of the EIAH for the funding programme for local investment and project advisory. With funding by the European Union through the EIAH, we support municipalities and public project promoters in Schleswig-Holstein to prepare ambitious, future-oriented projects, implement them in a financially viable and sustainable manner as well as accessing funding and financing.
Employment & Education
Landesprogramm Arbeit
IB.SH is responsible for implementing Landesprogramm Arbeit (LPA). LPA is a regional development programme for the employment market in Schleswig-Holstein (2014 – 2020).
The goals are to strengthen the provision of skilled workers, to promote the potential of young people and to integrate disadvantaged people into the job market. The programme is financed by Schleswig-Holstein and the European Social Fund.
Landesprogramm Wirtschaft
IB.SH is responsible for the settlement of grants for investments in the economy in the context of Landesprogramm Wirtschaft (LPW). LPW is a regional development programme to stimulate the economy in Schleswig-Holstein (2014 – 2020).
The goals are to promote growth and employment in all regions of Schleswig-Holstein as well as investing in knowledge-based economy and society, to strengthen the economic-oriented infrastructure, to increase the competitiveness of regional companies and to promote Urban development projects. LPW is financed by Schleswig-Holstein, the European Regional Development Fund and the Federal Government.
EU activities of Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein
IB.SH is Schleswig-Holstein´s competence centre for consulting on and for the financial management of EU funding programmes for companies, research institutions and the public sector.
Within its EU activities IB.SH provides
- Consulting on EU funding programmes and general EU matters by its Enterprise Europe Network Hamburg Schleswig- Holstein
- Specific consulting on the EU funded Interreg Baltic Sea Region and EUSBSR Seed Money Facility
- EU expertise, information and interest representation by its EU Affairs Team
- Local investment advisory services to municipalities, with funding by the European Union through the European Investment Advisory Hub
- Grants co-financed by EU Structural Funds programmes
EU Affairs Team
European topics and funding programmes are relevant for the IB.SH in a number of ways. The EU Affairs Team is the IB.SH's focal point for EU expertise. It provides information on important developments at EU level and represents the interests of the IB.SH vis-à-vis EU institutions and partners from the public sector, politics and economy.
European territorial cooperation – EU funding programmes in the Baltic Sea Region
Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein has been responsible for the implementation of various EU funding programmes in the Baltic Sea region for more than 15 years.
In the programme period 2014-2020 Interreg Baltic Sea Region supports integrated territorial development and cooperation for a more innovative, better accessible and sustainable Baltic Sea region. Partners from countries around the Baltic Sea work together in transnational projects on common key challenges and opportunities.
The transnational Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme is funded by the European Union and involves the EU Member States of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and northern parts of Germany, as well as the partner countries Norway, Belarus and the north-west regions of Russia.
Belarus has not signed the mandatory Financing Agreement with the European Commission yet.
Public authorities from local, regional and national levels, research and training institutions, sectoral agencies and associations, NGOs and enterprises can take part in projects and receive funds. The Programme funds come from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI), Norway and Russia and amount to approximately 283 million Euros. Project partners co-finance activities with their own resources.
IB.SH acts as the Managing and Certifying Authority in this programme and hosts the Joint Secretariat. All functions are carried out jointly as MA/JS in Rostock, Kiel and Riga. The MA/JS is responsible for the day-to-day management of the programme. Colleagues do consult and support potential and on-going projects and they support the tasks of the programme´s Monitoring Committee and Audit Authority, IB.SH and the national subcommittees. More information on the programme, on how to apply or on upcoming events can be found at www.interreg-baltic.eu.
European Investment Advisory Hub
A recipient of funding by the European Union through the European Investment Advisory Hub, IB.SH provides advisory services to municipalities on projects relating to the development and maintenance of the social and technical infrastructures, integrated urban and rural development, as well as energy, environment and climate protection. These advisory services are offered to municipalities by the experts of the Infrastructure Competence Centre, Neighbourhood Development Unit and Energy Agency free of charge.
The aim of the advisory services is to contribute to transparent investment decisions and to further awareness of sustainable procurement and of the lifecycle approach.
What is Interreg Deutschland-Danmark?
The programme Interreg Deutschland-Danmark promotes cross-border cooperation between Germany and Denmark. The current programme (2014 – 2020) is the fifth generation of Interreg (Interreg 5A) and unites the two former German-Danish cross-border Interreg regions (Fehmarnbeltregion and Syddanmark-Schleswig-K.E.R.N.).
Interreg aims at enhancing cross-border collaboration by funding German-Danish projects in four focused subject areas that are essential to the region. The programme is funded with 90 mio. € by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Behind Interreg Deutschland-Danmark stand 11 programme partners from Denmark and Germany – two Danish regions and nine German districts and cities from Schleswig-Holstein. In total, 3.6 million people are living in the programme region. Therefore, it is important that the region is continuously developing and creating opportunities for its citizens.
Interreg fosters the growth of the region in the areas of economics, employment, education, tourism and culture by funding cross-border innovative projects that want to create positive change for the German-Danish cooperation. Like about 70 other Interreg programmes around Europe we believe that through constant development and integration the national border will no longer be a barrier but accomplish mutual enrichment.
How we promote Danish-German cooperation
As Interreg Deutschland-Danmark we fund German-Danish projects but also support the project partners in the process from coming up with a project idea to realizing the project with Interreg funding. In this regard, we offer project consulting and provide assistance with the search for suitable project partners (e.g. through the partner index on our webpage).
Interreg projects can be realized by public or semi-public institutions, research and educational institutions, interests groups and private institutions or companies and must be carried out by at least one German and one Danish partner. Projects can be implemented in four focused subject areas that we call Priorities:
- Priority 1: Innovation
- Priority 2: Sustainable development
- Priority 3: Job market, employment and education
- Priority 4: Functional cooperation
Programme Bodies
Interreg Deutschland-Danmark consists of three bodies that are closely working together, meeting up regularly and supporting each other. Interregs administration consists of two parts – the managing authority and the secretariat. The third body is the Interreg-committee which is responsible for controlling the correct implementation of the programme and approving the Interreg-projects.
Our Interreg Deutschland-Danmark secretariat is located in Kruså, Denmark, 300 meters away from the German-Danish border. The employees of the secretariat are the first contact point for all project partners and applicants. They inform potential participants about funding opportunities and support them throughout the whole process of the project work. They check project ideas, support and counsel in the elaboration process of the proposals and follow-up on the projects and the general implementation of the projects. The secretariat is working closely together with the managing authority and is responsible for the area of communication and PR.
Managing Authority
Our managing authority has their office in Kiel, Germany. From there they are responsible for the economic and lawful implementation of the programme. They ensure the realization of all set programme tasks and take strategic control of the programme.
Moreover, the managing authority takes care of developing and updating relevant documents. They also have the responsibility of verifying the legality of project applications and checking payment claims. Finally, they are supporting the Interreg-committee and keep in touch with the EU and national authorities. interreg5a.eu/
The Interreg-committee consists of 34 members from Germany and Denmark including the 11 programme partners and representatives from different social, environmental and economic institutions. The committee makes the final decisions about the funding of each project, monitors the correct implementation of the Interreg-programme and controls the progress in reaching the set goals.
Contact: IB.SH - Ihre Förderbank
Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein
Zu Helling 5-6, D-24143 Kiel
+49 431 9905-0